Barney — Sorry Sold

This cheeky little chap stands only 10cm high but with plenty of weight behind him.
Small in stature but big in appeal you will soon find his favourite hiding place is in your pocket.
- Miniature Mohair
- Suede Pads
- Embroidered Nose
- Cotter Pin Joints
- Glass Eyes
- Polyester & Steel Shot

Hand Tinted face & paws.
4 inches - 118 grams
One off.
Button — Sorry Sold

One of Barney's paler cousins - this little bear is, as his name implies, as cute as a Button.
- Miniature Mohair
- Suede Pads
- Embroidered Nose
- Cotter Pin Joints
- Glass Eyes
- Polyester & Steel Shot

Hand Tinted face & paws.
4 inches - 150 grams
One off.

- 15mm Dense Schulte Mohair - Brown with a Dark Tip
- Suede Pads
- Waxed Embroidered Nose
- Cotter Pin Joints
- Glass Eyes
- Polyester & Steel Shot

Hand Tinted & trimmed face and a glossy black Waxed Nose.
5 ¼ inches - 330 grams approx. - £50.00 plus P&P
Limited edition of not more than Four.
Please allow time for manufacture